Friday, March 7, 2025

Exceedingly Rare American Cricket Team CDVs / 1868 / W.F. Davis / Harry Wright


 Once again we diverge from our primary interest of football to delve into other early sports memorabilia, which we do pick up occasionally when it crosses our path. In this case we post two American CDVs, taken in 1868, the only year the photographer in question was located at the address stamped on the back of the photographs. Pictured are a portion of the “picked twenty-two” American cricket players that played the visiting “All England Eleven”.  We know of no less than 26 American players, inclusive of substitutes available to play the English at Riverside Trotting Park in Allston (Boston),in  late September of 1868. Only two players are identified, William Franklin Davis (played Harvard baseball in 1865 (class of ’67)) and Harry Wright, a well-known professional baseball player- both circled. Two members of the Newhall clan of American cricket players, of which I believe there were eleven, and George Wright, Harry’s brother are listed on the roster and are likely also in the photos, however not being baseball researchers per se, we would have challenges making definitive identifications. These photos appear to be taken off Essex Street in Salem, in back of a rooming house where “rooms open every evening”.

Early (1860s) American cricket team photographs are scarce.